
The retreat led by Sayadaw Vivekananda has just concluded. It was the third of April’s retreats, which opened the in-person retreats’ season here at Pian dei Ciliegi meditation center. This retreat, as the previous ones, led by Hannes Huber and Gautam Verma, have forseen an heartfelt participation and satisfsction, both for teachers as well as for participants. 

From May the 10th to May the 29th there will be the Metta retreat led by Ayya Virañani, with Bianca Blaickner as assistent. There are still 3 places available, take the chance to participate, as this is a precious opportunity to practice.

We remind you about several places still available for other retreats, in particular: 8 places available for Bhante Gavesi’s retreat from June the 21st to July the 6th. In this case there is now the opportunity to participate to a shorter period of time (for information, please check our website and / or wirte to our mail address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

Bookings are possible on our website for all the retreats at the following link https://www.piandeiciliegi.it/en/subscription-retreats.html

Please note that in case of full retreat, you can write to the secretary at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to ask to be put on waiting list.

VesakSunday, May the 19th from 8,30 p.m. to 9,30 p.m. (CET, italian time) Bhante Bodhidhamma will lead an online celebration about Buddha’s birth, life and Parinibbana, together with the United Kingdom Sangha, connected to his meditation center, Satipanya, in Galles (www.satipanya.org.uk). The programme will include: taking Refuges and Precepts, Dhamma – Talk “The Buddha’s Alter Ego” and meditation. With translation to italian language. To ask for the credentials to enter the Zoom virtual room write at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

We offer the opportunity to enter the "Cherry Tree", a virtual International Meditation Room in Pian dei Ciliegi opened 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, for all those who practice mindfulness meditation (Vipassana) and Loving Kindness (Metta) anywhere they are and at any time of the day. To access, you must register on the site at the following link https://www.piandeiciliegi.it/it/sale-virtuali/cherrytree.html

To facilitate the sharing of the practice with other meditators, a WhatsApp chat has been created, where it is possible to agree the time for silent practice in Cherry Tree International Silent Meditation Room, open 24/7. Anyone who would like to be included in the chat can send a request by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. indicating the mobile number. The reference time zone to indicate the time of practice is CENTRAL EUROPE (CET)